Right Now (6/5/2012)

Right now…I’m feverishly working to get everything ready to go for Skylar’s and my trip to Chicago tomorrow.  She is SO excited!

Right now…I’m letting go of the pressure to get my project life pages done before I go.  They will be here when I get back.

Right now…I’m proud of my husband who celebrates 20 years of service in the United States Air Force today.  So proud of you Chris!  Thank you for your service!

Right now…I’m thankful for my sweet niece Rebecca, who turned 14 today.  She has overcome a lot in her short life and I’m so thankful for the precious relationship we have.

Right now…I’m excited that we were linked up with a very generous gentleman who is building an adaptive bike for Skylar at a fraction of the over $2,ooo price tag we were originally given!  A HUGE thanks to Henry & Yvonne, friends of my parents, that made that connection happen!

Right now…I have a million things running through my mind regarding Skylar’s labwork that came back.  Looking forward to seeing Dr. Usman on Thursday and working through those results with her.  I ALWAYS leave her office with a plan and a hopeful spirit.

Right now…I’m thankful for the new church that the Lord brought us to.  We are so thankful for the individuals and families that the Lord has crossed our paths with there!  Thank you Lord for answering our prayers!

What are you up to right now?

Whatever it is….make it GREAT!


Right Now (4/28/2012)

Right now…I am enjoying a peace-filled, beautiful morning!

Right now…I’m wondering how much work the Honda dealership is going to tell us our van needs when we take it in this morning.

Right now…I’m thankful that our tax refund finally came in to pay for said work on the van!

Right now…I’m gearing up for major de-cluttering & spring cleaning!  Actually very excited about this!

Right now…I’m working on a couple of different blog posts for next week.

Right now…I’m thinking about various items I’d like to add to my “Life List” thanks to the encouragement of my sister.

Right now…I’m feeling grateful for an alternative schooling option for the girls next year.  The possibilities are exciting!

Right now…I’m listening to this song, by Justin Unger, our music minister at church.  He is phenomenal!

Right now…I’m letting go of my worries about the future and letting God have all of those worries and insecurities.  There is extreme peace in knowing that He is in complete control!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Make it great!


Right Now (2/16/2012)

Right now…I’m enjoying a few moments of peace & quiet after getting the girls off to school.  The morning is always such a whirlwind.

Right now…I’m looking forward to having lunch with a sweet lady that I met while volunteering at Hailey’s school library.  Love that I am making new friends!

Right now…I’m thinking that a cup of tea is in order.  Chris and I have been in love with this awesome tea from Teavana since tasting it on our anniversary several years ago.

Right now…I’m thinking of Skylar and how today is the first day with her new teacher.  Excited for her and the kiddos in her class that they have a new, permanent teacher.

Right now…I’m listening to Adele and thinking that she was seriously heartbroken when she wrote this album. (Dang girl!)

Right now…I’m super thankful for the people that I have met because of this blog. The world has been made so much smaller thanks to the internet.  I love that I have new friends all over the world!

Right now…I’m thinking that I need to reorganize my pantry.  It looks like the Tasmanian Devil came through it.

Right now…I’m looking forward to spending time with these people this weekend! Love that we are so close that we can do that!

Right now…I’m thinking I’d better get off this computer & get to movin’!

What are you up to right now?  Whatever it is…Make it great!


Right Now (1/7/2012)

Some of you might remember me writing a post with the prompt Right Now a few months ago while in Washington, D.C.  I loved the prompt so much that I wanted to use it again. I will occasionally write with this prompt and specify the date in the title.  I think this is a great way to record the moment and be thankful for the little things in our every day life.

Right now…I’m loving having my nieces & nephew for the weekend.

Right now…I’m cleaning up from the big breakfast that we made for the kids.  Scrambled eggs, sausage, & fried potatoes.

Right now…I’m loving that my teenage niece said “JuJu, I love coming to spend the weekend with you!”

Right now…I’m listening to Emily & Hailey ride their Ezy Rollers through the tiled parts of the house.

Right now…I’m planning on taking Skylar & Becca on a date to see Mission Impossible 3.

Right now…I’m looking out my window and enjoying the beautiful pine trees that we are so blessed to live among.

Right now…I’m listening to my 2 year old niece talk to our dog, Jack.  She really loves him!

Right now…I’m loving just lounging around all morning.

Right now…I’m loving watching Becca walk around the house in my fluffy white robe and a towel on her head.  Didn’t take a picture as I know that she’d be horrified!

Right now…I’m working on a guest post for my sister’s blog that will be posted tomorrow.  Trying hard not to embarrass her too much!

Right now…I’m wishing that this weekend could last just a little bit longer!

Make it a great one!


*Don’t forget about my giveaway that is going on through Sunday for a set of Goosie Cards.  Click here to read about it!