January 2013 Wrap Up

Here’s a glimpse at what’s been going on with our little family.

January started off with sickness for all of us:  bronchitis, pneumonia, and sinus infections.  We went through 4 boxes of tissue in 36 hours.  CRAZY!


When Skylar feels bad, she insists on sleeping on this mat.  This is pretty much where she spent most of her days and nights.


Sickness brought a LOT of television watching for us.  We got rid of our satellite t.v. last summer so we watched a couple of new shows on HULU and Netflix.

Oh Downton Abbey…how had we not met before?


And this show is totally addicting!


With the start of a new semester in school, we started a new curriculum!


We are LOVING this curriculum!  Both the girls really love the art lessons.


They also love the cooking segment each week.


After studying the state of Massachusetts, we made a Boston Creme Pie.  It was delicious!


I also had the opportunity to attend the It Works Global conference in Tampa.  One word:  INSPIRING!


I got to dress up for a party one night of the conference.


The night before I flew out to Tampa, I stayed at my sister’s house.  I loved taking silly pictures with my niece, Rebecca.


Jenny, Jeff, Chris, and I also enjoyed a date night out when I returned home from my trip.  It was great!  The four of us don’t get to go out by ourselves very often.


And last, but certainly not least, we finally got therapy services set up for Skylar here at home.  No more driving 4 hours round-trip to Phoenix every week.


So there you have it.  A month filled with illness, travel, and new adventures.  It was crazy, but it was good!

I can’t wait to see what February holds for our family.  I’m planning on doing lots of reading, crafting, and wrapping!

You can read my full post on It Works! HERE

I’d love to hear what you all have been up to!

Make it GREAT!


It Works! It Really Does!

I’ve spoken with many of you who want to live a healthier, more active lifestyle.  As a parent I desire to live a long time to see my children grow up.  Those of you who have children with special needs understand the need to live “forever”!  My biggest fear is leaving my children alone in this world!  I know that this is a common fear in our community.

Some of you may know that I signed on to be a distributor with It Works! Global back in April.  I have been quietly using their products for the past 6 months. I am just not one to shove product or my beliefs down anyone’s throat!  I figured that I needed to take the supplements and use the wraps so that I could show and tell how these products have worked for me. When Chris got home in August we agreed that we would start taking their vitamins and supplements together and see how we felt.   The Dynamic Duo (It’s Vital and Greens) pictured below has truly changed how I feel!  No more constant sugar cravings!  And the best part….no mid-afternoon nap to get me through the day!

So if you would like to read more about the It Works! products, Jaima over at Ring Around the Rosies Blog wrote a review for me this morning!  She strives to live a healthy, natural lifestyle.  I sent her some products last month and today she is sharing how they have worked for her!

You can read her review here!

I also have a Facebook page for my business.  It is:

It Works! Skinny Wraps-JuJu (Click here to go straight to my Facebook page and “LIKE” it!)

Chris and I are currently working on a Health Challenge that will motivate others to live a healthier lifestyle.  We would love to have you join us!

I have been so encouraged already by those of you who are loyal customers of mine who have written, called, & texted me to say how much It Works! has worked for you!  Our Ultimate Body Applicator (wrap) is the hottest thing on the market!

We have a wonderful Loyal Customer program that offers up to a 45% discount on products!

You can visit my business site by clicking here!  There are so many wonderful, natural products to help you get started on a healthier path!

Thanks for letting me share about how we are trying to live a healthier lifestyle!  We want to do everything on our end to be around a VERY long time for our precious girls!

Make it great!
