Goal Setting for 2014


I love the beginning of a new year!  Yes, I totally realize that each and every day is a new start, but for some reason I love setting goals at the start of a new year.  I try not to make the goals too broad.  I like specific, measurable goals.  This year I picked four specific categories for goal setting:  Marriage, Mothering, Family, and Personal. All of my goals plug into one of these 4 categories.  I am a paper and pen girl.  I know that it drives my computer-loving hubby crazy, but I love to write lists down in a notebook.  Add in some fun-colored markers and I am one happy girl.

I started a new book for my lists.  I’ve been carrying my old book for almost 2 years and it finally just fell apart.  It is a simple graph ruled composition book that I picked up at Staples for a few bucks.  I definitely prefer graph ruled to the traditional composition book.  This is a book that I carry everywhere.  When I think of something that I need to do or think of questions I need to ask a doctor or therapist I write it in this book.  It’s nothing fancy, but it is exactly what I need. Having my list of goals in the front of this book is going to be awesome for me this year!  Here are my goals:


1)  weekly date night (we already get 3 hours of respite care on Monday nights that we absolutely cherish)

2)  read 4 marriage books/devotional books


1)  monthly dates with each of the girls

2)  write monthly letters to the girls & include them in my Project Life pages

3)  pray with the girls each day


1) memorize one Bible verse each week

2)  read at least one chapter of a book out loud together each day

3)  explore Arizona (Sedona, Grand Canyon, Tombstone, Bisbee, etc)


1) exercise 60 min/day 6 days a week (I’m pretty much already doing this)

2)  do a Whole 30 (I’m currently reading this book to prepare)

3)  read the Bible through chronologically (I’m using this Bible)

4)  read 52 books (I’ve already started a list in my trusty red notebook)

5)  continue documenting our everyday life with Project Life

6)  run a 5K race 

7)  declutter & simplify 

I’m excited about the things that I will accomplish in 2014.  It’s going to be a big year for us as we continue our journey of better health & prepare to move this summer (hence the decluttering).  

What are your goals for 2014?

Make them great!


5 Essentials For When We Are Feeling Under The Weather

Skylar woke up yesterday with a head full of junk.  When she came upstairs she said “I am totally stuffy”!  She sounded just like Meg Ryan did in You’ve Got Mail when she tells Tom Hanks “I’ve got a temperature!”.  After smiling about the movie voice similarity, I immediately got out my essentials that we use when we are under the weather.  Today, I thought I’d share those items with you.


1.  NutriFeron by Shaklee

We’ve been taking this as a family for several years.  My mom sent me a bottle and swore that it helped her feel better faster when she had been sick.  The next time I had a cold I started taking this and I was surprised when I was completely over it in a day or two.  We always make sure that we have plenty of this on hand.  Skylar actually takes this every day because she is so much more susceptible to illness because of her mitochondrial disorder.  When she starts coming down with something we increase how much she gets.

This morning when Chris pulled Skylar’s medications and our daily vitamins/supplements he came to tell me that he had pulled NutriFeron for all of us. This stuff is truly amazing!


2.  Greens by It Works!

All four of us take Greens on a daily basis, but when we are feeling under the weather, we take it twice a day.  Chris and I are distributors for It Works, but I would only recommend something if I truly believe in it!  The girls take the Citrus Flavor in apple juice, but Chris and I really like the Berry Flavor in water.  If you want to read more about what Greens does, click HERE.  We take multiple It Works vitamins and supplements, but if we could only take 1, Greens would be it!  (Full Disclosure:  these links are to my own personal It Works website.   Any purchases made through my website helps our family continue to provide the best possible care for Skylar!  Thank you so much!)


3. Thieves Oil from Young Living

I am always searching for great, natural products to help us with healthier living. Thieves is one of those products.  I was introduced to Young Living by a friend of mine.  When I asked what oils she would recommend, Thieves was the oil she said she is never without.  I use it multiple ways, but I love to diffuse it my diffuser.  It makes the house smell like Christmas!  You can also put Thieves in a capsule and take it orally or put it directly on your skin.  I also love to put a drop on my toothbrush when I brush my teeth.  It makes my mouth feel amazing!  You can read more about Thieves on the Young Living Website HERE.


4.  Simply Saline by Arm & Hammer

One things that Skylar has always struggled with is blowing her nose.  We help her as much as we can, but it isn’t the same.  Using a saline mist was recommended to us this past year by her pediatrician as he knows this is something she struggles with.  I can tell you that the first time we did it, she freaked out as she wasn’t sure what to expect, but ever since then, she has done a lot better.  The saline spray really helps clear her nasal pasages so that all that junk doesn’t just fester and go into a secondary infection.  We have used several different saline sprays, but this is the one we like the best.  Each of the girls have their own labeled bottle.  You can get them at any local pharmacy, I think that we got ours at WalMart.


5. Cool Touch Tissues by Kleenex

Last January when the girls got sinus infections and bronchitis, Chris ran to the store to stock up on tissues.  We usually use Puffs Plus with lotion, but they didn’t have those and Chris said these looked like the next best thing.  Hailey used one, exclaimed “Oh my!  These are amazingly cool!” and we have used them ever since. They are, just like they advertise, cool to the touch.

You might think it is silly that these are a part of our essentials, but when you have kids that are super particular about what they use, you just go with it!  If purchasing these tissues make them feel even a little better, then it is totally worth it!

So there you have it…our top 5 essentials for when we feel under the weather!  I’m so very thankful for these products, especially the NutriFeron and the Greens. Thanks to these items, our girls have not been on antibiotics since January. For two girls that each have immunity issues, this is amazing!  Of course, we also drink lots of fluids, rest, and watch lots of movies while cuddled in quilts.  That is sure to make you feel better as well!

What items are essential to you or your family when you are sick?  I’d love for you to share them!

Whatever you do today, make it great!


It Works! It Really Does!

I’ve spoken with many of you who want to live a healthier, more active lifestyle.  As a parent I desire to live a long time to see my children grow up.  Those of you who have children with special needs understand the need to live “forever”!  My biggest fear is leaving my children alone in this world!  I know that this is a common fear in our community.

Some of you may know that I signed on to be a distributor with It Works! Global back in April.  I have been quietly using their products for the past 6 months. I am just not one to shove product or my beliefs down anyone’s throat!  I figured that I needed to take the supplements and use the wraps so that I could show and tell how these products have worked for me. When Chris got home in August we agreed that we would start taking their vitamins and supplements together and see how we felt.   The Dynamic Duo (It’s Vital and Greens) pictured below has truly changed how I feel!  No more constant sugar cravings!  And the best part….no mid-afternoon nap to get me through the day!

So if you would like to read more about the It Works! products, Jaima over at Ring Around the Rosies Blog wrote a review for me this morning!  She strives to live a healthy, natural lifestyle.  I sent her some products last month and today she is sharing how they have worked for her!

You can read her review here!

I also have a Facebook page for my business.  It is:

It Works! Skinny Wraps-JuJu (Click here to go straight to my Facebook page and “LIKE” it!)

Chris and I are currently working on a Health Challenge that will motivate others to live a healthier lifestyle.  We would love to have you join us!

I have been so encouraged already by those of you who are loyal customers of mine who have written, called, & texted me to say how much It Works! has worked for you!  Our Ultimate Body Applicator (wrap) is the hottest thing on the market!

We have a wonderful Loyal Customer program that offers up to a 45% discount on products!

You can visit my business site by clicking here!  There are so many wonderful, natural products to help you get started on a healthier path!

Thanks for letting me share about how we are trying to live a healthier lifestyle!  We want to do everything on our end to be around a VERY long time for our precious girls!

Make it great!
