September Sort It Update

Just wanted to pop in and give you an update on the sorting I have been doing this month. If you missed my first post about my plan to “sort through September” you can read about it HERE!  I’ve not done nearly as much as I thought I would have by this point, but I’m totally fine with that.  Some of my projects, like sorting through my scrapbook room, are HUGE projects and I’ve spent hours and hours working in there.  I also added a couple of things to the list as I’ve moved through the house and realized that other things needed to be sorted.

So here are a couple of before and after photos of projects I’ve been working on.

The entire list is at the bottom of the post.

#14:  Sort through tool baskets in kitchen drawer.

#7:  Clean out bookshelf by blue recliner.

#24:  Clean out fridge.

Here is a shot of my craft area in progress:

I sat on the floor and sorted paper one evening for quite some time!  Glad to have my paper sorted now.

I also spent a couple of days helping my sister get sorted after her move.  Here is a shot of her letterpress drawer that I organized with all of her project life goodies.

Today I am tackling my laundry room!  As you can see there is a LOT of sorting to do in there.  We already took everything out and it is currently sitting in the hall. I’m hoping that will encourage me to sift through it quickly.

1)  Clean out junk drawer. (I’m sure we all can relate to this!)

2)  Clean out kids’ dish drawer and get rid of old dishes.

3)  Arrange pick up of old fridge and washing machine.

4)  Clean out laundry room. (This is definitely a bigger project!) (In progress)

5)  Make final plans for home-made Christmas gifts.

6)  Clean out craft magazines & books.

7)  Clean out bookshelf by blue recliner.

8)  Sort through medicine cabinet; dispose of old meds.

9)  Clean out Hailey’s dresser drawers.  Clothes to Emily and Goodwill.

10)  Organize garage sale; donate the rest.

11)  Clean out cookbook cabinet.

12)  Clean off small counter and set up mail station.

13)  Shred pile of junk mail. (my dad will be thrilled!)

14)  Sort through tool baskets in kitchen drawer.

15)  Clear cabinet space for cloth rags & towels. (Trying to reduce/eliminate our use of paper towels.)

16)  Clean out under the sink.

17)  Clean out acrylic/rubber stamps.

18)  Unpack office boxes in basement.

19)  Clean out storage closet in basement.

20)  Create a mangeable Project Life (PL) workstation. (In progress)

21)  Put all flair buttons for PL together.

22)  Clean out candle cabinet.

23)  Spray & pull the weeds around our property.

24)  Clean out fridge.

25)  Clean out both cars and take them to the carwash.

*I still have quite a bit still left to do, but I am pleased with what I have accomplished so far.  We’ve had a full September and I wouldn’t have given up anything we’ve done outside of the home in order to have crossed more of my sorting list.  Labor Day weekend was spent out at our church camp.  I sang with the worship team in 5 of the 6 services and Chris worked the sound board for all of the services.  I also went to Los Angeles one weekend with my parents for a training for a company I joined 5 months ago.  I’m so thankful that I was able to attend this event and learn even more about our products.  You can check out my business website HERE!  I plan to share more about how It Works! has helped me focus on living a healthier life so I can be here for my family for a LONG time!  Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions!

How is your sorting going?  I’d love to hear all about it!

Make it great!


Planning to Sort Through September

Hello Friends!  I’m sharing something a little different with you today.  We have had a whirlwind of a summer and start to the school year in our household.  The girls are attending a virtual academy this year, which means they are being schooled here at home.  That, coupled with the fact that Chris returned last week after 2 months of military training with bronchitis (that Hailey and I now have as well) leaves you with one, super tired and overwhelmed mama.

I often get asked the question “How do you do all that you do?”.  First off I’m going to tell you that I DON”T do it all!  I’m not going to be one of those people that says in a condescending tone, “Well you know, there ARE 24 hours in a day!”  When I hear people say that, I always want to respond “Well, thanks for that lesson! I had no idea!”  Ok, enough snarkiness!

Yes, there are times where it might look like I have everything together, but I guarantee you that when I am juggling lots of different things, whether they be the kids’ therapies, activities, school work, housework, and taking care of myself, one (or more) of those balls is going to get dropped.  The two that are most often dropped are housework and taking care of myself.  Today I’m going to talk about all things house related.  Aren’t you thrilled?

Right now, my home is in disarray.  After this happening many different times, I have learned two things:

1.  When my days are hectic, my house gets out of control.

2.  When my house gets out of control, I get anxious and overwhelmed.

It truly is a vicious cycle!  I have also noticed that both of my girls get overwhelmed by clutter & excess “stuff”.

I’ve shared with you before that when I have a lot of things to do, I always feel better making a list.  I don’t let all that is on that list overwhelm me.  Instead, knowing it is written down and that I won’t forget to do something relieves a tremendous burden on me.

A few nights ago I was feeling particulary overwhelmed, so I did what a lot of women do in that situation…started surfing Pinterest!  Seriously, I started looking through different organizational boards to get some inspiration.  I then made my way to several of my favorite blogs that I read and came across a challenge on Mel’s blog.  Her friend, Tamar, actually issued the challenge.  I have been reading Tamar’s blog as she shares about her journey following treatment for breast cancer and her desire to eat clean and healthy!  Many of you know that my sister, Jenny, is a breast cancer survivor.  Jenny and I have talked a lot recently about trying to eat clean so I have enjoyed Tamar’s story.

So, here is the gist of the September Sort It Challenge.  Make a list of things that you need to do in your home (inside or out).  These can be big or little.  Some of mine can be completed in 15 minutes or less.  My goal is to get through all of them, however even if I only get through half of them, I will feel great!

1)  Clean out junk drawer. (I’m sure we all can relate to this!)

2)  Clean out kids’ dish drawer and get rid of old dishes.

3)  Arrange pick up of old fridge and washing machine.

4)  Clean out laundry room. (This is definitely a bigger project!)

5)  Make final plans for home-made Christmas gifts.

6)  Clean out craft magazines & books.

7)  Clean out bookshelf by blue recliner.

8)  Sort through medicine cabinet; dispose of old meds.

9)  Clean out Hailey’s dresser drawers.  Clothes to Emily and Goodwill.

10)  Organize garage sale; donate the rest.

11)  Clean out cookbook cabinet.

12)  Clean off small counter and set up mail station.

13)  Shred pile of junk mail. (my dad will be thrilled!)

14)  Sort through tool baskets in kitchen drawer.

15)  Clear cabinet space for cloth rags & towels. (Trying to reduce/eliminate our use of paper towels.)

16)  Clean out under the sink.

17)  Clean out acrylic/rubber stamps.

18)  Unpack office boxes in basement.

19)  Clean out storage closet in basement.

20)  Create a mangeable Project Life (PL) workstation.

21)  Put all flair buttons for PL together.

22)  Clean out candle cabinet.

23)  Spray & pull the weeds around our property.

So that is my list so far!  I may add things as I see other areas that need work.  I will update my list throughout the month here on my blog.  I’m really looking forward to chipping away at this list and getting more control of my home.  I know that I will feel so much better with every item that is crossed off.

We just got word this week that Chris will be promoting to Major at the end of September.  That means a house full of company coming for the promotion ceremony and the celebration we will be hosting.  Even MORE of a motivation to get it done!  I definitely work better under a deadline!

Would you like to join me in the September Sort It challenge?  I would love that!  If you choose to join, leave me a comment with a link to your blog so I can check it out.  Also, make sure you check out Mel’s blog HERE & Tamar’s blog HERE to see what they are sorting!  Thank you Mel & Tamar for the motivation I needed to get it sorted!

Make it great!
